Moving is very difficult for young children. Especially when their 'stuff' doesn't arrive right away and they are in rooms that are bare and not 'decorated' like 'home'. The echo of a bare room is unpleasant for a young child and makes the transition even more difficult.
Naps have been difficult as Jordan learns to adjust to the new house, new surroundings and absence of the important people in the world (g'ma and memaw).
San Onofre, California San Onofre State Beach San Clemente, California Beach Library - Once you have an Orange County Public Library card, you are entitled to check out materials from any of our 33 branches as well from other libraries with reciprocal lending privileges. Orange County Public Library welcomes your visits and hopes you take the time to get acquainted with our staff, services, materials and programs. Recreation Parks Bonita Canyon Park Linda Lane Park Max Berg Plaza Park Mira Costa Park Rancho San Clemente Park San Luis Rey Park Verde Park Walmart
This is the way that we pack the boxes, pack the boxes, this is the way that we pack the boxes, early in the morning. This is the way that we load the truck, load the truck, load the truck. This is the way that we load the truck, early in the morning.