Saturday he had oatmeal with Erik for breakfast
then we went to church at 10 am for an activity
they had a story, they watched a play about the good Samaritan (Erik was the priest that just walked on by)
and then they made a valentine card (Jordan gave his to AMA)
then he decorated a plate of brownies with powdered sugar and pink M & M's to take home and another plate to give to a friend (Jordan gave his to AMA)
he has not had one pee or poop accident all week. he brushes like a good kid, has only thrown one lay down on the floor hissy fit and that was at 1/2 price books, he wanted to run free and play with Erik, and I insisted that he stay by me, when he refused and pitched a horrible hissy fit, he has to sit the rest of the time at the store in a grocery cart like a little bitty baby.
he ate a few of his creations for lunch and a few more for afternoon snack
he watched a movie while MIMI took a nap
he said while waiting for Joan, "I miss my family am sad. I miss my family". I told him that I will be sad while he is at Ama's an he put his arm around my neck and said, "I will be a minute." I asked him if he was going to be right back tomorrow, and he rolled his eyes at me like I was the neediest person on the planet. SHEEZE!
then Ama came, and took him
he had 3 small pancakes at IHOP while OOMPA had three PLATES of big pancakes.
Mimi packed clean clothes, and pj, toothbrush and blankets for his sleep over. We had not heard from him, but expect him in the next 5 hours, so we better pick up all the papers that are all over the floor in neat piles.